
Best Ad Networks to Monetize HTML5 Games

Jul 01 2024
Pooyan Mp
Content Writer


Best Ad Networks to Monetize HTML5 Games

Jul 01 2024
Pooyan Mp
Content Writer

Imagine scrolling through ad provider options, each promising to turn your games into gold mines. But what about monetizing HTML5 games? Who provides the necessary service to monetize them through ads? Confusing, right?

Earn More from Your In-game Ads Using These 7 Tips!

Here’s the exciting part: the world of HTML5 games is booming, their popularity is on the rise, and it’s not just a fleeting trend. These browser-based gems are taking the lead and are playable anytime, anywhere.

Now, let’s cut to the chase. Whether you’re a game dev, portal manager, or business looking to cash in on gaming, you’re after one thing: increased revenue. And surely, ads are your go-to option.

But the main question is: What are the best ad providers for HTML5 games? Which of them best suits the needs of the businesses involved with web games?

In this article, I am going to introduce you to 3 of the best ad networks and talk a bit about their major pros and cons.

Table of Contents:

Ad Networks in Simple Terms

In the world of HTML5 games, or in general, gaming, monetizing through ad networks has become a major strategy for publishers.

In-game ads, in simple terms, are basically the integration of ad network SDKs so publishers can seamlessly display ads within their games, generating revenue while providing free or low-cost gaming experiences to players.

How  Do Ad Networks Work and What Do They Offer?

  • Integration: Game publishers and gaming portal managers integrate ad network SDKs (Software Development Kits) into their HTML5 games. These SDKs provide the necessary tools and APIs to display ads within the game.
  • Ad Serving: Ad networks serve ads to players based on various factors such as geographic location, player demographics, and game context.
  • Analytics and Optimization: Ad networks provide portal managers, developers, analysts, etc., with analytics and reporting tools to track ad performance, optimize ad placements, and maximize revenue.
  • Revenue Generation: Portal managers, devs, or distributors can earn revenue through various models such as CPC (Cost Per Click), CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions), or CPI (Cost Per Install), depending on the type of ad and the actions taken by players.

Monetization Methods for Gaming Contents

Gaming content, especially web games, like all other gaming content, is easily monetizable through different strategies.

Whether you’re offering your game as a freemium model with power-ups or upgrades in exchange for ad views or using a subscription model where players pay regular fees to access exclusive content and events, you can easily boost your revenue through strategic in-game advertising. However, paying attention to the most effective ad placement strategies is also equally important.

Multiply Your Income from Ads!

These strategies will help you multiply your income from your in-game ads easily! Click the button, fill the form and download the guide!

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Understanding Different Ad Options

When it comes to monetization through advertising in HTML5 games, developers have a toolbox of different ad formats at their disposal.

Each format has its own advantages and disadvantages, so choosing the right mix depends on the type of game and the user experience you want to create. Below is a breakdown of some popular options:

  • Banner Ads: These are the classic rectangular or square ads that appear at the top or bottom of the game screen. They are non-intrusive, meaning they don’t disrupt gameplay, but they can suffer from “banner blindness,” where users become accustomed to them and overlook them.
  • Interstitial Ads: These are full-screen ads that appear between levels, gameovers, or during natural pauses in gameplay. They are more noticeable than banners but can disrupt the flow of the game if not implemented carefully. However, they often command higher click-through rates (CTRs) compared to banner ads.
  • Rewarded Video Ads: This format offers players an in-game reward, like extra lives, virtual currency, or power-ups, in exchange for watching a short video ad. Rewarded video ads are a great way to incentivize players to engage with ads while providing them with a valuable in-game benefit.
  • Static Interstitials: Static interstitial ads are full-screen, non-moving image ads that appear at transition points in apps or games. They offer high visibility, requiring user interaction to close. These ads are effective but should be used sparingly to avoid disrupting user experience. Simpler than video ads, they’re suitable for a wide range of devices and can be a powerful tool for monetization when implemented thoughtfully.

Beyond these core formats, there are also more creative options like:

  • Playable Ads: Playables are interactive mini-game advertisements that publishers embed within other games or apps to promote their own titles. These ads offer a brief, hands-on demo of the advertised game, allowing users to experience its core gameplay mechanics directly.
  • Native Ads: These ads are designed to blend seamlessly with the game’s environment, appearing less intrusive and often performing well.

Picking the Right Ad Network

There’s no shortage of ad networks for games. However, not all of them are entirely compatible with HTML5 (web) games.
In fact, most of them work best with mobile games, and some of them are designed to respond to a specific group of game engines.

For example, Unity Ads works best with games created by Unity engine. On the other hand, Bidstack is best used with 3D mobile games.

In any case, below are some of the best ad providers that are entirely compatible with HTML5 games:

Google AdSense

Google AdSense is a world-known advertising service that allows website owners or developers to make their content monetizable by showing target advertisements.

No doubt, Google has the largest user base compared to other providers and has access to a vast database of users’ behavior due to its high number of users from all over the world.

This means that Google will manage and provide such advertisements for integration into text, images, video, and interactive forms.

How to Begin Monetizing with Google AdSense?

AdSense offers a straightforward process for monetizing HTML5 games and websites.

Portal owners have to sign up and submit their game or portal for review to ensure policy compliance.

Once approved, they receive a code to integrate into their site, allowing Google to display relevant ads based on content and user behavior.

As visitors interact with these ads, site owners earn revenue through clicks or impressions.

Google will handle all billing and payments, paying out monthly when the minimum threshold is reached.

To begin monetizing with AdSense, simply visit their website and follow Google’s guidelines to start the process. This system provides an accessible way for game developers and site owners to generate income from their digital content.


According to their website, Venatus introduces itself as a global provider of advertising solutions, specifically focused on the gaming and entertainment sector, offering a range of products and services to both advertisers and publishers looking to boost their advertising performance.

Venatus offers website, App, and browser game monetization services. It also has a strong resources section that includes case studies, blog articles, press releases, and a knowledge base. They also have a history of partnerships with prominent companies like Rovio, EA Games, Miniclip, Bidstack, and Scopely.

How to Begin Working with Venatus?

To begin working with Venatus, click on ‘Contact’ in the upper navbar and then ‘Publisher Contact.’ After that, you’ll have to fill out the form and wait for Venatus experts to get in touch with you.

Increase Your Income from In-game Ads!

Implement these 7 strategies, and boost your income from in-game ads! Click the button, fill the form and download the guide!

Download PDF!


Playwire is an ad-providing company dedicated to helping publishers, creators, and app developers accelerate their business by providing ad revenue. On its website, it has introduced itself as a trusted partner by more than 700 web and app publishers, and companies like Android Authority, Sparknotes, Crunchyroll, Letterboxd, etc., have worked with them.

How to Begin Working with PlayWire?

To monetize with Playwire, publishers should complete an application form on the website here. Upon qualification, publishers will work with an onboarding specialist to implement and launch ads on their websites.

Competitive Advantage Compared to Other Ad Providers

Another Method to Earn Revenue Through Ads

There are more creative ways to monetize the games for those who have a limited audience and still wish to monetize their games.

A publisher with no audience and no monetization method implemented in a game can collaborate with a distributor. The distributor implements its monetization system in the game and publishes it among its audience on famous portals.

This arrangement benefits the publisher as they don’t have to handle ad monetization improvements, such as picking the right ad provider, choosing the right monetization method, targeting the right audience, or marketing efforts for game distribution and user attraction.

Additionally, game distributors have deep insights into current gaming trends and the best ad placements within games for optimal results. The resulting income is divided among the developer, ad provider, and game distributor. This is the model used by Wortal and Gamedistribution.

Tips for Ad Optimization in HTML5 Games

Despite the ad network you pick, integrating ads into your HTML5 game can be a balancing act – you want to generate revenue without sacrificing player enjoyment. In any case, here are the most essential tasks you should do to optimize ad integration:

  • Ad Placement
  • AB Testing Various Ad Formats
  • Monitoring UX (User Experience).
  • Additional Optimization Methods.

Just knowing the techniques above won’t improve results, though. To better understand how to improve ads’ placement within HTML5 games, we have a comprehensive guide, ‘7 Strategies to Multiply Your In-game Ads Income’, that explains each step in detail.

Don’t forget to read that as well.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the HTML5 game monetization landscape offers significant opportunities for developers and businesses. As we’ve explored top ad providers like Google AdSense, Venatus, and PlayWire, you can see each comes with its unique strengths.

However, success in this field requires not just choosing the right ad network but also implementing strategic ad placement, conducting A/B tests, and prioritizing user experience.

By balancing revenue generation with player satisfaction and staying informed about emerging trends, you can maximize your HTML5 game’s earning potential.

Now is the time to evaluate your strategy, explore these ad providers, and implement optimization techniques to boost your revenue in this dynamic market.

Multiply Your Income from Ads!

These strategies will help you multiply your income from your in-game ads easily! Click the button, fill the form and download the guide!

Download PDF!

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